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Beyond 70 The Lives of Creative Women by Stacy Russo

Beyond 70 The Lives of Creative Women by Stacy Russo

SKU: 9798985969214

What will you be doing BEYOND 70? Far from the stereotypical views of older life being a time of decline, this inspiring collection of interviews with 21 creative women age 70 or older affirms that life in the “third act” is often a period of vitality, growth, courage, new possibilities, and even reawakening. This full-color book honors the accomplishments of these talented women who engage in painting, photography, storytelling, mixed media and collage, music, artists’ books, writing, and sculpture. Their work is discussed in tandem with the history and evolution of each woman’s artistic life. Through the power of personal narratives, this collection works against age- and gender-based discrimination. The diverse women artists of BEYOND 70, ranging in age from 70 through 98, offer their stories as benchmark contributions to the literature on creativity, artists’ lives, women’s studies/feminism, and aging.

* Todas las ventas son finales.

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours During Exhibitions:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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