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LMAC DH Project

A Storymap of Literary Spaces

About the LMAC
DH Project

A LibroMobile Arts Cooperative (LMAC) & Bookstore Project through a Digital Archives initiative for-and-by the local community.


This digital humanities project began in March of 2022 in an effort to highlight independent bookstores owned by Black, Indigenous, and people of color. This map functions not only as a digital archive for BIPOC-owned bookstores and lending libraries throughout California, but also as a way to build on anti-gentrification movement culture and celebrate diversity.


Feel free to come back and visit this map again! New locations will be added on a continuing basis as further research is conducted. Want your venue on our map or want to update information about your venue? Email us!


Also, please take a moment to acknowledge our research contributors listed in the storymap, they are usually college interns and/or young scholars helping us along the way.


 What's a "living" narrative and/or document?  

A living document, also known as an evergreen document or dynamic document, is a document that is continually edited and updated.

* Todas las ventas son finales.

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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Ā© 2016 LibroMobile

DiseƱado por Sandra Lopez

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