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AfricanAmerican’t by Ayokunle Falomo

AfricanAmerican’t by Ayokunle Falomo

SKU: 9781953447326

If the question is America-and by extension, who is and what does it mean to be American? -AFRICANAMERICAN'T offers no answers. The CAN'T in the title suggests impossibility and that is precisely what the book is interested in. Even in the so-called land of opportunity, some things remain impossible for its speaker(s). In a way, AFRICANAMERICAN'T is a document of attempted refusals: assimilation, forgetting, and allegiance to any one country. However valid despair might be as a response to the continued failings of his two countries, Ayokunle Falomo traverses the distance between betrayal and love in an attempt to find poetry-and perhaps, something like hope-in all the places it can't be found.

* Todas las ventas son finales.

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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