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Known by Salt (Philip Levine Prize for Poetry) Paperback

Known by Salt (Philip Levine Prize for Poetry) Paperback

SKU: 9781934695609

In Known by Salt, Tina Mozelle Braziel searches for home in the trailer park where she grew up and in the house she and her husband built by hand. Aware that her homes and life fall short of social norms, she asks ''how come'' as she discovers grit and feminism in a strip club, a fast food joint, building sites, and family stories of work. She takes shelter in the beauty of dammed rivers, wooded hills, the swerve of snakes. This collection examines class and gender, humankind and nature, and what it takes to mend those divisions and become whole.

* Todas las ventas son finales.

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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