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Linda by Diana Burbano

Linda by Diana Burbano

SKU: 9781639320042

Wearing a Wonder Woman costume and carrying a guitar, a young Chicana embarks on a journey to figure out her place in the world. But this quest is not without its challenges. As she battles racist boys on the playground, mean girls at the talent show and her own self-doubts, will Linda cave under these evil forces? Or will she find new kinds of superpowers—strength, empowerment, resilience—in learning to love her heritage?

"I absolutely love this play, and in the hands of a wonderful actress--I was lucky enough to see Julie Harrington perform the role for Little Black Dress, INK's ONSTAGE Festival--it just soars. I was rooting for Linda from beginning to end. So charming! So uplifting! You never know what the girl next door is thinking and believing herself to be, what lifts her up and makes her believe in herself. I just hope it is this!"—Micki Shelton

"This monologue is awesome. A beautiful role for a Latina actress about empowerment, self-realization, and Wonder Woman. An honor to include this piece in our 2017 ONSTAGE Fest!"—Tiffany Antone

* Todas las ventas son finales.

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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