Nuestra Historia
Voces LM
Digital Humanities
Arte y Cultura
Laureados Poetas
Magician’s Hat by Bill Tremblay
The hero and the whore by Camille Hernandez
Poets of California and Italy
We Still Be by Paul S. Flores
Chicano Poet by Reyes Cárdenas
The world began with yes poems by Eric Jong
Pensamientos life’s emotions and dreams by Antonio Duarte
Vida Life’s moments and memories poems by Antonio L. Duarte
Bones Awaiting The Blaze by Tiffany Elliott
My Name is Wolf by Chiwan Choi
Sky Songs by Chiwan Choi
LibroMobile Monthly Open Mic Community Zine
Santa Perversa & Other Erotic Poems by Alejandra Ibarra
Mahcic by Thomás Riley
La Calaca Review
Chula by Amanda Alcántara
We are owed by Ariana Brown
Recominant by Ching-In Chen
The Heart’s Traffic by Ching-In Chen
Tripas: Poems by Brandon Som